We seek attention Poems

Popular We seek attention Poems
We seek attention
by Nastasimir Franović

We seek attention

We seek attention, even the accidental touch of someone's hand.
A look we picked up passing by, makes us wonder why.
The smile we bring to a stranger's face.
Sparrows in the square waiting for us to put a hand in our pocket.
A street dog that follows us in the rhythm of our steps.
In the music score section of the steps,
that dog knows where to pause, and when to continue.


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Recent We seek attention Poems
We seek attention
by Nastasimir Franović

We seek attention

We seek attention, even the accidental touch of someone's hand.
A look we picked up passing by, makes us wonder why.
The smile we bring to a stranger's face.
Sparrows in the square waiting for us to put a hand in our pocket.
A street dog that follows us in the rhythm of our steps.
In the music score section of the steps,
that dog knows where to pause, and when to continue.


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