O sea, what's fatal woe at thy rage
Our old moire will last age to age
Inspite thy devour.
Their hands were not tremulous
They steered nights and days; thus
Succeeded at the door
And precisely saved wrecked ship
And cheered with old-restored nip
Not to be bewitched, nor poor;
Just, a thorough strive they did
Vast eyes envelope the realm.
Incomprehensible dimensions.
Warping patterns of cyclical infinity.
Forever in my pineal,
Constant whispers of shouting entities
Encroaching in the web of the neurology of the awakened being.
Ready for voyage at a heartbeats notice.
The Psychonaut.
Uranus, a wonder to explore,
A mystery to unravel and adore.
Seventh from the sun, a world of blue-green,
With secrets to unveil, like none you've seen.
Tilted axis, a unique sight,
At 98 degrees, it spins just right,
And negative 224 degrees Celsius,
Uranus is one of the coldest, no less.
Lovers lying side by side
Feel the flowing of a tide
Deeper than an earthly one
Swifter and more magical
Bravely they set out upon
Such a course as we should sail
Voyage sweet and prodigal
Made by kiss and candlelight
Through the peacock blaze of night
Take these who will as may be: I
Am careless now of what they fail:
My heart and mind discharted lie
And surely as the nerved nail
Appoints all quarters on the north
So now it designates him forth
My sovereign God my princely soul
Whereon my flesh is priestly stole:
O sea, what's fatal woe at thy rage
Our old moire will last age to age
Inspite thy devour.
Their hands were not tremulous
They steered nights and days; thus
Succeeded at the door
And precisely saved wrecked ship
And cheered with old-restored nip
Not to be bewitched, nor poor;
Just, a thorough strive they did
Uranus, a wonder to explore,
A mystery to unravel and adore.
Seventh from the sun, a world of blue-green,
With secrets to unveil, like none you've seen.
Tilted axis, a unique sight,
At 98 degrees, it spins just right,
And negative 224 degrees Celsius,
Uranus is one of the coldest, no less.
Vast eyes envelope the realm.
Incomprehensible dimensions.
Warping patterns of cyclical infinity.
Forever in my pineal,
Constant whispers of shouting entities
Encroaching in the web of the neurology of the awakened being.
Ready for voyage at a heartbeats notice.
The Psychonaut.
Take these who will as may be: I
Am careless now of what they fail:
My heart and mind discharted lie
And surely as the nerved nail
Appoints all quarters on the north
So now it designates him forth
My sovereign God my princely soul
Whereon my flesh is priestly stole:
Lovers lying side by side
Feel the flowing of a tide
Deeper than an earthly one
Swifter and more magical
Bravely they set out upon
Such a course as we should sail
Voyage sweet and prodigal
Made by kiss and candlelight
Through the peacock blaze of night