Voicemail Poems

Popular Voicemail Poems
Light Up - a voicemail
by Adelana Victor

Hey, it's Victor here, calling in to check on you.

In case no one has whispered this to you today,
let me be the voice to tell you
You're beautiful
More beautiful than the Milky Way.
You're strong
Stronger than anything that ever poses to be an obstacle on your way
You're powerful
More powerful than you can ever imagine.


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Recent Voicemail Poems
Light Up - a voicemail
by Adelana Victor

Hey, it's Victor here, calling in to check on you.

In case no one has whispered this to you today,
let me be the voice to tell you
You're beautiful
More beautiful than the Milky Way.
You're strong
Stronger than anything that ever poses to be an obstacle on your way
You're powerful
More powerful than you can ever imagine.


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Voicemail From Members
  • Adelana Victor
    Adelana Victor (1 poems about Voicemail)
    January 20, 2003 - Ijebu Ode