Birth, life and death
The knowledge of this earth
Neither before nor after present
Following their select ascent
Part pursuing purpose
As sole intent
Part pursuing pleasure
Till life is spent
I seek a spot,
in paradise.
Where love is hot,
just like a spice.
A place of dream,
where hearts are won,
without a scheme,
when words are done.
Where burning hearts,
let’s escape you and me to the dream world
let’s escape you and me from this “real world”
let’s escape you and me from our prisons
let’s free ourselves from our poisons
let’s find our own way
we are always missing anyway
let’s dream let’s hop let’s scream let’s hope let’s be real let’s be mad let’s be crazy, or we’ll lose ourselves to this dumb joke, this dumb game, this dumb trap…
let’s dance let’s sing let’s draw let’s paint let’s create let’s swim let’s fly….
Commanders valiant, armies fully trained,
Police : male, female, uniformed and plain,
United against whom ?
A few ideas that aren't new!
آلآ بـشـروآ الدنيــآ بنـجـم لنــآ يبدو... فقـد يـغمـر الدنيــآ على يـدنـا سـعــد
لنآ مجدنآ المآضي الذي جآوز السهآ.. و في مجدنا الاتي لعين السهى سهد
سنضـفي على الايـام ثوبـا من السنا .. سـدآه الحـجا الهآدي ولحمته الجد
سنجعل فكر الـــمرء حر مقدســـآ .. لـه مسـرح فـي الـكون ليـسله حد
ولـولا ارتفاع النـفـس لـم ترتفع لنـآ .. صروح بهـآ الـتــآريخ من عجبــه يشدو
وإنـآ لمن قوم تسآئل عــصــرهــم .. عزيمتــهــم آقوى ام الحجــر الصلــد ؟
و مـن آمة تبنــي الحيـآهـﮧ وديعـﮧ .. ودآعـــــــﮧ الحمـلآن .. تحـآذرهـآ آلآسد
مواطنهـآ في الخآفقين ، كصيتهـآ .. جنـآئن فيهــآ ينبت آلآس و الند
تــوآلـت عليهــآ الحـآدثآت وفضلهـآ .. عــلى جنبآت الارض مـآ زآل يمتـد
تعـآلوا بنـي آمـي نوحد جهودنـآ .. و نسـرع . فركب القوم قدآمنـآ يعدو
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I seek a spot,
in paradise.
Where love is hot,
just like a spice.
A place of dream,
where hearts are won,
without a scheme,
when words are done.
Where burning hearts,
Amidst love's journey, conflicts always arise.
Tackling trials, growth coherently becomes evident.
Within struggles, our radiance shines through.
Through understanding, we live with ease.
We mend; wounds heal, strength apparent.
A journey together, imperfect yet true.
With benevolent words and no malice,
And an act of forgiveness inherent,
We are one, all, one!
If not, none, all- none!
Unity, the bond that binds us all,
Together we stand, never to fall.
In times of joy, in times of strife,
Our unity keeps us going in life.
From different lands and cultures we hail,
But in unity, we never fail.
For in our hearts, we all agree,
To live in peace and harmony.