Truth peace love Poems

Popular Truth peace love Poems
We are two souls as one
by sookdeo manansingh

All these years you spent with me
while you were alive on earth
you taught me the wisdom of the soul
and gave me the vision of foresight
now that you have departed from
this world your spirit continues to
call out to me when I am asleep

I can hear your voice calling from
the silence within as though you


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Recent Truth peace love Poems
We are two souls as one
by sookdeo manansingh

All these years you spent with me
while you were alive on earth
you taught me the wisdom of the soul
and gave me the vision of foresight
now that you have departed from
this world your spirit continues to
call out to me when I am asleep

I can hear your voice calling from
the silence within as though you


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