True colors Poems

Popular True colors Poems
58. I knew I fell once again
by Kea Campbell

I knew I fell once again,
Because when you smiled at me, you conflated my aches.
I knew I couldn't win,
Because when you’d say "Hey" to me, you say it straight.
I thought we’d never contend,
That was until I figured you out and saw through your grins.
I thought we’d never be strangers,
That was until you showed a little bit of color, making my world a little bit duller.


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Recent True colors Poems
58. I knew I fell once again
by Kea Campbell

I knew I fell once again,
Because when you smiled at me, you conflated my aches.
I knew I couldn't win,
Because when you’d say "Hey" to me, you say it straight.
I thought we’d never contend,
That was until I figured you out and saw through your grins.
I thought we’d never be strangers,
That was until you showed a little bit of color, making my world a little bit duller.


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