Clear darts that float on heavy sighs fly from the grey robes that are being rung this morning.
Thunder argues in the sky with no sign of the lightning that abandoned it.
The rain in Texas is nothing like Seattle.
The northwest downpour arrives in an organized fashion to greet the morning commuters.
Even the Sound applaud its return.
Often times it insists to stay the night.
In the south, this stranger is welcomed and given refuge
but is too kind for such hospitality.
Sotto Il Ponte A Del Rio, Texas, Stati Uniti D'america
Sotto il ponte a Del Rio sono fermi, bloccati, appostati, accerchiati
Ammucchiati migliaia di migranti Haitiani, non Ucraini
Francamente, se fossero questi ultimi, non sarebbero sanzionati
Detenuti, umiliati, maltrattati e deportati come haitiani
Come mandrie di bestiame nei centri di detenzione in Messico o nella loro Patria
È stupido, triste, odioso e ripugnante per vedere i trattamenti barbari
E le umiliazioni inflitte loro dagli agenti della Border Patrol
Che sono essi stessi discendenti di migranti poveri e un tempo disperati I migranti, come tutti noi, cercano semplicemente una vita migliore in una terra diversa
Under The Bridge In Del Rio, Texas USA
Under the bridge in Del Rio are stopped, stuck, stationed
Thousands of migrant Haitians, not Ukrainians
Frankly, if they were the latter, they wouldn’t be sanctioned
Detained, abased, mistreated and deported like Haitians
Like herds of cattle to detention centers in Mexico or in their Homeland
It’s asinine, sad, odious, and repugnant to see the barbaric treatments
And humiliations inflicted on them by the Border Patrol agents
Who themselves are descendants of poor and once desperate migrants
Under The Bridge In Del Rio, Texas USA
Under the bridge in Del Rio are stopped, stuck, stationed
Thousands of migrant Haitians, not Ukrainians
Frankly, if they were the latter, they wouldn’t be sanctioned
Detained, abased, mistreated and deported like Haitians
Like herds of cattle to detention centers in Mexico or in their Homeland
It’s asinine, sad, odious, and repugnant to see the barbaric treatments
And humiliations inflicted on them by the Border Patrol agents
Who themselves are descendants of poor and once desperate migrants
Sotto Il Ponte A Del Rio, Texas, Stati Uniti D'america
Sotto il ponte a Del Rio sono fermi, bloccati, appostati, accerchiati
Ammucchiati migliaia di migranti Haitiani, non Ucraini
Francamente, se fossero questi ultimi, non sarebbero sanzionati
Detenuti, umiliati, maltrattati e deportati come haitiani
Come mandrie di bestiame nei centri di detenzione in Messico o nella loro Patria
È stupido, triste, odioso e ripugnante per vedere i trattamenti barbari
E le umiliazioni inflitte loro dagli agenti della Border Patrol
Che sono essi stessi discendenti di migranti poveri e un tempo disperati I migranti, come tutti noi, cercano semplicemente una vita migliore in una terra diversa
Clear darts that float on heavy sighs fly from the grey robes that are being rung this morning.
Thunder argues in the sky with no sign of the lightning that abandoned it.
The rain in Texas is nothing like Seattle.
The northwest downpour arrives in an organized fashion to greet the morning commuters.
Even the Sound applaud its return.
Often times it insists to stay the night.
In the south, this stranger is welcomed and given refuge
but is too kind for such hospitality.