Tech critique Poems

Popular Tech critique Poems
tech critique (the poemist would be great)
by Matthew Conrad

let's just cut past the cute crap of writing
"grand" poetics for a moment...

the poemist would be great -
if... it didn't count the number of times
you clicked on said poem:
to, "check up" - to see traction
for yourself...
in that: you viewing your own
material... wasn't treated as...


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Recent Tech critique Poems
tech critique (the poemist would be great)
by Matthew Conrad

let's just cut past the cute crap of writing
"grand" poetics for a moment...

the poemist would be great -
if... it didn't count the number of times
you clicked on said poem:
to, "check up" - to see traction
for yourself...
in that: you viewing your own
material... wasn't treated as...


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