Watch the sky stumble.
As the clouds bundle,
Let them all fumble.
For such ignorant blunder.
Just a little rumble.
Jolting a crackle.
And it'll all crumble.
The water pringles-(to tingle persistently or annoyingly).
WE cam na here to view your warks,
In hopes to be mair wise,
But only, lest we gang to hell,
It may be nae surprise:
But when we tirl'd at your door
Your porter dought na hear us;
Sae may, shou'd we to Hell's yetts come,
Your billy Satan sair us!
I was a very enthusiastic gardener, who loved being surrounded by beauty,
Like the songbirds that visit cherry trees, with a taste for something fruity.
I adored the familiar blooms, but held a fascinated interest in the unusual,
And I engaged in interesting conversations, about each exotic rare jewel.
My emerald garden was a large one, and it was almost completely sunny,
Like pearly smiles that come so easily, whenever something seems funny.
My job allowed me to work from my home, and this granted flexible hours,
I AM a keeper of the law
In some sma' points, altho' not a';
Some people tell me gin I fa',
Ae way or ither,
The breaking of ae point, tho' sma',
Breaks a' thegither.
I hae been in for't ance or twice,
And winna say o'er far for thrice;
Yet never met wi' that surprise
That broke my rest;
Warm winds came when the least expected,
With the buttery sun and crimson blooms.
A natural surprise, a turn for the better,
For fast rules need at times to be broken!
And the windows opened to rich sunshine,
As in came spring early, in days of wine.
I was a very enthusiastic gardener, who loved being surrounded by beauty,
Like the songbirds that visit cherry trees, with a taste for something fruity.
I adored the familiar blooms, but held a fascinated interest in the unusual,
And I engaged in interesting conversations, about each exotic rare jewel.
My emerald garden was a large one, and it was almost completely sunny,
Like pearly smiles that come so easily, whenever something seems funny.
My job allowed me to work from my home, and this granted flexible hours,
Watch the sky stumble.
As the clouds bundle,
Let them all fumble.
For such ignorant blunder.
Just a little rumble.
Jolting a crackle.
And it'll all crumble.
The water pringles-(to tingle persistently or annoyingly).
Warm winds came when the least expected,
With the buttery sun and crimson blooms.
A natural surprise, a turn for the better,
For fast rules need at times to be broken!
And the windows opened to rich sunshine,
As in came spring early, in days of wine.
WE cam na here to view your warks,
In hopes to be mair wise,
But only, lest we gang to hell,
It may be nae surprise:
But when we tirl'd at your door
Your porter dought na hear us;
Sae may, shou'd we to Hell's yetts come,
Your billy Satan sair us!
I AM a keeper of the law
In some sma' points, altho' not a';
Some people tell me gin I fa',
Ae way or ither,
The breaking of ae point, tho' sma',
Breaks a' thegither.
I hae been in for't ance or twice,
And winna say o'er far for thrice;
Yet never met wi' that surprise
That broke my rest;