Suffering Poems

Popular Suffering Poems
A Weight That Never Lifts
by Oscar Auliq-Ice

Pain, my constant companion
You cling to me like a shadow
A weight that never lifts
An unwelcome guest in my soul

You pierce me with your sharp claws
And gnaw at me with your teeth
You consume me with your fire
And drown me in your seas


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The perpetual suffering
by Abhijeet Satsangi

When I indulge with them, I exhaust myself.
If I stay alone with me, I grow gloomy and depressed.
When I love, I hurt both of us.
When I think of loving myself,
I find me inadequate, flawed and imperfect.
And I grow self-doubt.
When I flaunt and show off
I am filled with a deep "Guilt of arrogance".
When I try to be humble and nobody,
I hurt my self-esteem and feel exploited.


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For Suffering
by John O'Donohue

May you be blessed in the holy names of those
Who, without you knowing it,
Help to carry and lighten your pain.

May you know serenity
When you are called
To enter the house of suffering.

May a window of light always surprise you.


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Aborted Blooms
by Lyon Erkst

A strange silhouette looms over a budding seed,
Its caressing hand pressing downward
Is a confusion of acid smoke.
The small stem writhes within the soil as
Ethereal mist gathers above.

Yet within a lapse of inattention, the stem propels through.
A unique flower is born in the garden of aborted blooms.

Twisted creature, her stem is rotten.


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by matthew ramsey

There screams
I hear then
Sleepless nights
I have

My scars
They burn
I feel them
The corpses
Screaming, crying


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Recent Suffering Poems
by matthew ramsey

There screams
I hear then
Sleepless nights
I have

My scars
They burn
I feel them
The corpses
Screaming, crying


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Out of guilt
by Saleh Ben Saleh

I think about,
the right and wrong.
And good and bad,
that comes along.
So on my guitar,
I play a song,
to ease the pain,
of morals gone.

For every tune,


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Aborted Blooms
by Lyon Erkst

A strange silhouette looms over a budding seed,
Its caressing hand pressing downward
Is a confusion of acid smoke.
The small stem writhes within the soil as
Ethereal mist gathers above.

Yet within a lapse of inattention, the stem propels through.
A unique flower is born in the garden of aborted blooms.

Twisted creature, her stem is rotten.


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Wounded Wings (The Agony That We Cannot Conceal)
by Oscar Auliq-Ice

You constant friend,
A presence that seems to never end.
You come in waves, you come in force,
A relentless feeling, a brutal source.

You are the thorn in every rose,
The cruel twist in life's repose.
You are the wound that won't heal,
The agony that we cannot conceal.


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A Weight That Never Lifts
by Oscar Auliq-Ice

Pain, my constant companion
You cling to me like a shadow
A weight that never lifts
An unwelcome guest in my soul

You pierce me with your sharp claws
And gnaw at me with your teeth
You consume me with your fire
And drown me in your seas


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