Struggling Poems

Popular Struggling Poems
Torn Whispers: A Path Best Left Untrodden
by Lilith Van'Nightinveil

In the depths of longing, where emotions intertwine,
A tangle of contradictions, a delicate design.
My heart, a stubborn rebel, yearns for his affection,
While my weary mind resists, seeking its own protection.

Entwined in memories, like whispers through the breeze,
The touch of his fingertips, the way he put me at ease.
My heart reminisces, still besotted by his charm,
But my weary mind cautions, knowing it'll only bring harm.


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Recent Struggling Poems
Torn Whispers: A Path Best Left Untrodden
by Lilith Van'Nightinveil

In the depths of longing, where emotions intertwine,
A tangle of contradictions, a delicate design.
My heart, a stubborn rebel, yearns for his affection,
While my weary mind resists, seeking its own protection.

Entwined in memories, like whispers through the breeze,
The touch of his fingertips, the way he put me at ease.
My heart reminisces, still besotted by his charm,
But my weary mind cautions, knowing it'll only bring harm.


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