Space Poems

Popular Space Poems
In the Islands Far, Far Away
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Mission Control, this is Flight Z924693744, do you read?
We're having some technical trouble. How should we proceed?

We have spotted a planet, that appears to be suitable to abort;
But, to return to earth, we will need an alternate transport.

The Capsule Communicator didn't answer at all, unfortunately;
So, the fate of this mission, was then in my own hands, surely.

The twilit world we were approaching, didn't seem at all bad;


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by Christofer Barbieri

Universe of Wonder
of beauty
of mystery
Universe of Dreams

What is out among the stars?
Hidden far out of my sight
What are you keeping from me?
What cant I see?


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After Cummings Poems
by Michael R. Burch


These are poems that I have written "after" e. e. cummings. Many of these poem were written during my early "Cummings Period," which started around age 14-15 when I discovered his poems in an English textbook. I have a cummings-ish type of poem that I call a "ur" poem. I will explain that modus operandi when we get to the first "ur" poem.

In these poems things that seem impossibly large are capitalized, like the Sun and Time. The big Thoughts are capitalized but the mind that holds them without being able to control them, isn't. Pronouns become diminutives: I=i, You=u, We=wee, etc.

by michael r. burch, age 14


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

that fine, pneumatic
piece of gem from space,
bulbous, bluish with
the hand of beauty
adorned with furry clouds,
yet in closer sense lies
senseless to internal

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A Star's Shine: Poem about a star's shine, gleaming its way to earth.
by Hari Krishnan B V

A Star’s shine gazing through void,
The shine is unique but never rare.
Earth is where we think “it’s a light”,
“Is it orphaned? Is it lost?”
In distant skies, travels lone as far,
As far we can see as a tiny dot.
Gleaming away from infinite night,
Concerns itself to be seen in sight.

it says,


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Recent Space Poems
A Star's Shine: Poem about a star's shine, gleaming its way to earth.
by Hari Krishnan B V

A Star’s shine gazing through void,
The shine is unique but never rare.
Earth is where we think “it’s a light”,
“Is it orphaned? Is it lost?”
In distant skies, travels lone as far,
As far we can see as a tiny dot.
Gleaming away from infinite night,
Concerns itself to be seen in sight.

it says,


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So Passe
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Witness if you will, the occupants of Deep Space Flight 6952,
on a mission to the farthest reaches of the galaxy.
A short time ago, the spaceship experienced turbulence,
and soon they'll experience fear, and even doubt reality.
They've just entered The Twilight Zone.

'What a rough patch of turbulence!' said Thomas. Nicole
responded, 'I believe it's the worst we've encountered yet.'
Then Nicole suddenly tasted coffee, that had not even
begun to be brewed, to her regret!


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Symphony of the Stars in Galaxy Supercluster
by Ayatullah Nurjati

Beneath the vast and silent sky,
The stars awaken, twinkling high.
A symphony of light and grace,
In endless realms of boundless space.
Each star, a note in cosmic tune,
Their rhythm sways beneath the moon.
Through ancient whispers, they proclaim,
The story etched in heaven’s name.
Their voices hum through midnight's veil,
A melody that cannot fail.


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Threaded in light and shadow
by Arvin Dassad

No foreign star, no northern cloud,
Could shadow the threads we have independently weaved.

Time clenches today, weaving a mosaic of untold glories,
Forever to reminisce when it fades into yesterday.*

We billowed as kindred spirits,
Minds alike, gaze locked,
Counting grains in time's shifting hourglass.
Our vision darts to words spilling from our lips—


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In Search of Venus
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

There are no labyrinths in this zone above.
This even, the bifurcated, long, empty road
Reflects the orange,
Hung high, eluding us from the grey void.

The even star —
Behold the grey patterns of heaven,
Meek and naked.
The orange, in clover, fades in the
Celluloid of the hanging sea,


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