Sleeping Poems

Popular Sleeping Poems
Of Love And Sleep
by Sir Lewis Morris

I SAW Sleep stand by an enchanted wood,
Thick lashes drooping o'er her heavy eyes :
Leaning against a flower-cupped tree she stood,
The night air gently breathed with slumbrous sighs.
Such cloak of silence o'er the world was spread,
As on Nile sands enshrouds the mighty dead.

About her birds were dumb, and blooms were bowed,
And a thick heavy sweetness filled the air ;
White robed she seemed ; and hidden as in a cloud,


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Sleeping is a Time Machine
by christopher Shepherd

Sometimes I sleep the night away, speeding towards the end. A time machine to freedom coming just around the bend.
I take that turn and close my eyes, my problems fade away. I drift off to sleep in Never-land and start my dream-like day.
My eyes begin to focus, I’m walking down a road. The sun is bright, I feel at peace, there’s nothing to forebode.
As I walk this country road all shaded by the trees, I notice that it’s warm outside and hear the buzzing bees.
The honeysuckle on the fence spreads perfume in the air. I walk along while smiling as the breeze blows through my hair.
As I focus on the road ahead my mind begins to clear. I take a breath and close my eyes, and shed a thankful tear.
I feel a sudden burst of energy coming from within. This warm gold light inside my chest, I feel like I can win!
With this power flowing through me like a Jedi with the force, I can do all sorts of things, and even fly of course!
As I take a deep breath, I start lifting off the ground. I take off in the air and make a ‘Whooshing’ sound.
I fly so high and swoop so low turbulence be damned. I cruise with speed as I explore this world called Never-land.


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Come Spoon With Me
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

I’m getting sleepy, baby...
Will you come and spoon with me...
As we fall asleep together...
Getting as close as we can be...

Will you hold onto me forever...
As the moon lights up the sky...
Will you never let me go...
On your embrace, I’ve come to rely...


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Asleep in the Blooms
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

orange sun has gone
yet still she sleeps in the blooms
at purple twilight

the day has grown old
and where have the bluebirds gone
a pause for sweet dreams

the day's excitement
coral dawn through frenzied noon


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Recent Sleeping Poems
Come Spoon With Me
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

I’m getting sleepy, baby...
Will you come and spoon with me...
As we fall asleep together...
Getting as close as we can be...

Will you hold onto me forever...
As the moon lights up the sky...
Will you never let me go...
On your embrace, I’ve come to rely...


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Asleep in the Blooms
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

orange sun has gone
yet still she sleeps in the blooms
at purple twilight

the day has grown old
and where have the bluebirds gone
a pause for sweet dreams

the day's excitement
coral dawn through frenzied noon


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Sleeping is a Time Machine
by christopher Shepherd

Sometimes I sleep the night away, speeding towards the end. A time machine to freedom coming just around the bend.
I take that turn and close my eyes, my problems fade away. I drift off to sleep in Never-land and start my dream-like day.
My eyes begin to focus, I’m walking down a road. The sun is bright, I feel at peace, there’s nothing to forebode.
As I walk this country road all shaded by the trees, I notice that it’s warm outside and hear the buzzing bees.
The honeysuckle on the fence spreads perfume in the air. I walk along while smiling as the breeze blows through my hair.
As I focus on the road ahead my mind begins to clear. I take a breath and close my eyes, and shed a thankful tear.
I feel a sudden burst of energy coming from within. This warm gold light inside my chest, I feel like I can win!
With this power flowing through me like a Jedi with the force, I can do all sorts of things, and even fly of course!
As I take a deep breath, I start lifting off the ground. I take off in the air and make a ‘Whooshing’ sound.
I fly so high and swoop so low turbulence be damned. I cruise with speed as I explore this world called Never-land.


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Of Love And Sleep
by Sir Lewis Morris

I SAW Sleep stand by an enchanted wood,
Thick lashes drooping o'er her heavy eyes :
Leaning against a flower-cupped tree she stood,
The night air gently breathed with slumbrous sighs.
Such cloak of silence o'er the world was spread,
As on Nile sands enshrouds the mighty dead.

About her birds were dumb, and blooms were bowed,
And a thick heavy sweetness filled the air ;
White robed she seemed ; and hidden as in a cloud,


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