Here I stand, burdened with remorse,
Each word I write, another solemn promise,
Life's cruelty, they say, but I see my own,
In choices made, in seeds of hate sown.
Does God reside amidst this worldly hate?
Yes, He does, granting us minds, freedom's gate,
Yet we wield authority with careless hand,
Creating chaos in a land of demand.
One night I happened to dream of a trial
It seemed to be vital, there was no denial
A case to be weighed for life or for death
Solemn thoughts pervading amidst abated breath
The Judge was seated quite high on His throne
His wisdom apparent so gracefully shone
The felon was hardened, his look full of hate
His case was so hopeless, his crime was so great
Along a dry and weary road
There stood a Traveller once
He was quite bent with a heavy load
Of sins so many tons
He stood there looking all confused
Under the daylight sun
He knew not then which way to choose
The broad or narrow one
My soul badly suffers intense pain
Heavy with fleshy chains
Burning dead in the fires of hell
For the mortal sin
Committed once in the Garden
Of joy in the twilight of life,
Under the bower of intimacy
Fostered for no reason
Between love and sympathy.
The soiled body fallen from grace
Here I stand, burdened with remorse,
Each word I write, another solemn promise,
Life's cruelty, they say, but I see my own,
In choices made, in seeds of hate sown.
Does God reside amidst this worldly hate?
Yes, He does, granting us minds, freedom's gate,
Yet we wield authority with careless hand,
Creating chaos in a land of demand.
My soul badly suffers intense pain
Heavy with fleshy chains
Burning dead in the fires of hell
For the mortal sin
Committed once in the Garden
Of joy in the twilight of life,
Under the bower of intimacy
Fostered for no reason
Between love and sympathy.
The soiled body fallen from grace
Along a dry and weary road
There stood a Traveller once
He was quite bent with a heavy load
Of sins so many tons
He stood there looking all confused
Under the daylight sun
He knew not then which way to choose
The broad or narrow one
One night I happened to dream of a trial
It seemed to be vital, there was no denial
A case to be weighed for life or for death
Solemn thoughts pervading amidst abated breath
The Judge was seated quite high on His throne
His wisdom apparent so gracefully shone
The felon was hardened, his look full of hate
His case was so hopeless, his crime was so great