The first line is a full skirt,
the second is the bodice;
On reaching the third and last
the neat collar has been added.
Lightly tie the ribbon bow,
and the charm of the dress will appear.
The basic pattern of fours
is like the counting of the days:
Twenty-eight will make a month,
thirty-one, too, will make a month.
Up above the shimmering sea
Two or three seagulls are hovering.
Rolling, wheeling, they write a poem.
I do not know the alphabet they use.
On the broad expanse of sky
I will write a poem too.
Green grass covers the valley.
Do you sleep? Are you at rest?
O where is that lovely face?
Can mere bones lie buried here?
I have wine, but no chance to share it.
Alone, I pour it sadly.
There, by the roadside, face to face,
Two stone Buddhas stand.
Rain has greened the patient shoulders,
Frost has split a hand
And wind has brazed the lowered eyes.
Yet, cold and hungry there,
I envy them their ignorance
Of man's divine despair.
There's a burst of mellow sunshine, the hour of my return
after many nights, dark and sable, spent in longing for my home
Bees buzz in the rose garden, and soon to their honeycomb
In perpetual sunshine of years, a bouquet a day,
varicolored and beautiful, chanting blooms' warm, deep yellow praise!
My garden gleeful is always looking on the bright side.
In the heart of colorful autumn, skies were colored, too,
for flaming time was getting older, out in the hilly country.
Springtime's budding charm, lends a certain beauty to old age.
Fiery, sunset days of crackling autumn, such colors in trees-
birds of every hue, not to mention vibrantly, cascading leaves!
The bittersweet season's lingering, like moonlight on water.
On a street of mellow autumn, gold leaves have turned deep orange
As harvest season offers vibrant hues, and cold that makes you cringe
And wild, bitter orange sunsets, are caught between plummy days
Summer, and the sunglow hours are creeping, so slowly by
with red ruby treasures, waiting placidly, all day in the sky
But, twilight finally ends, with the perfume of black blooms