Shame Poems

Popular Shame Poems
by Bogdan Dragos

He just had to stand
walk to the kitchen
open the fridge
get a can of beer
open it
and come back to the desk
sit down and lean back in the chair

was this something to
laugh about?


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i’ll always love you
by CJ Lara

“I’ll always love you,”
you said
and at the time
i believed you,
believed the notion of pity
under thinly veiled expressions-

oh, he’s ashamed,
oh so ashamed
oh what else


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Ugly Thing
by Frangipani Rhett

I understand it's hard to see
The pain I go through daily
It doesn't make it any less
Or make it have any less validity

I keep showing up to do my job
For something to do
Otherwise I'd be despised
For being lazy too


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The Shame of Gaza
by Richard Randolph

If the six million Jews who died in the Holocaust
saw their descendants treat an ethnic minority as second-class citizens,
what do you think they'd feel?
And if they saw them relegate these people
to poor ghettos, deprive them of basic rights,
and then systematically steal their lands,
what do you think they'd feel?
And if they heard them refuse to help these people
have a homeland of their own, claiming there’s no room,
while they live on lands taken from these very people


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The Weary Lone Traveller
by Carl Rex

Along a dry and weary road
There stood a Traveller once
He was quite bent with a heavy load
Of sins so many tons

He stood there looking all confused
Under the daylight sun
He knew not then which way to choose
The broad or narrow one


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Recent Shame Poems
The Shame of Gaza
by Richard Randolph

If the six million Jews who died in the Holocaust
saw their descendants treat an ethnic minority as second-class citizens,
what do you think they'd feel?
And if they saw them relegate these people
to poor ghettos, deprive them of basic rights,
and then systematically steal their lands,
what do you think they'd feel?
And if they heard them refuse to help these people
have a homeland of their own, claiming there’s no room,
while they live on lands taken from these very people


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Ugly Thing
by Frangipani Rhett

I understand it's hard to see
The pain I go through daily
It doesn't make it any less
Or make it have any less validity

I keep showing up to do my job
For something to do
Otherwise I'd be despised
For being lazy too


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by mika bandy

Today my father walked away from me
I was 8 years old again
and all I could do was cry
as i grieved the love i never had
and yearned for the care he never gave me

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Do you see me?
by mika bandy

What would you say if you could see me now?
Feelings were never your strong suite,
but you’d hug my shaking body, and you’d rub my back.
You’d fix a bowl of ice cream.
You’d fix two.
Couldn’t let me eat alone.
You’d finally asked why I was crying, but I’d never be able to tell you.
What would I say?


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by Steve Otieno

if you ever cut yourself out of the frame,
you are responsible for how softly
or crudely
you lower yourself to the ground,

you should lower yourself softly,
so you won't have to remind all and sundry
how no one was there to catch you
when you fell,


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Shame From Members
  • mika bandy
    mika bandy (2 poems about Shame)
    September 1, 2005
  • Mengorbit .
    Mengorbit . (1 poem about Shame)
    August - Jakarta
  • CJ Lara
    CJ Lara (1 poem about Shame)
    January 22, 2005 - Los Angeles