Sexual assault Poems

Popular Sexual assault Poems
88. Take My Hand
by Kea(ton) Campbell

I used to keep secrets confident, no matter how righteously exposing. 
Suffocating in drama that yanks me by the collar of my clothing.
My ears drown in gossip from Christians well versed in God's omnipresence. 
They sell false narratives and natter while I grasp for holy acquiescence. 
It grows more and more ironic, looking at higher ranks in the conferred. 
Traumas discounted by corrupted governments who empower predators in a church. 
I go to a "safe" space to praise with community and sing my psalm. 


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July 27
by Habiba Soliman

I should be over it
It's been 353 days
Almost a year has passed
But why am I still scared?
Why do I still hate it when people come close
I still panic when I don't have to
Still feel his hand on my skin
Degrading me in every way
Still remember the words he said to me


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after hours
by aditya vats

Mine hands revel to fervid lecherous sighs,
softly brushing your bristle skin and vividly
stroking your flushing hair.

Yours clenching mine wrist, moaning to end
this apocalypse and your eyes dreading in

The after-hours turn mine human hands
vicious slave of the whole


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by akjdoijo mnajaj


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by Hannah Woerner

Footprints in the barren snow
A bitter red to haunt my dreams
A shadow of the deepest silk

A shadow of deception

Smooth words where there are rough edges
Rough hands where there should be gentle touch

Fingerprints purple on my hips


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Recent Sexual assault Poems
88. Take My Hand
by Kea(ton) Campbell

I used to keep secrets confident, no matter how righteously exposing. 
Suffocating in drama that yanks me by the collar of my clothing.
My ears drown in gossip from Christians well versed in God's omnipresence. 
They sell false narratives and natter while I grasp for holy acquiescence. 
It grows more and more ironic, looking at higher ranks in the conferred. 
Traumas discounted by corrupted governments who empower predators in a church. 
I go to a "safe" space to praise with community and sing my psalm. 


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after hours
by aditya vats

Mine hands revel to fervid lecherous sighs,
softly brushing your bristle skin and vividly
stroking your flushing hair.

Yours clenching mine wrist, moaning to end
this apocalypse and your eyes dreading in

The after-hours turn mine human hands
vicious slave of the whole


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July 27
by Habiba Soliman

I should be over it
It's been 353 days
Almost a year has passed
But why am I still scared?
Why do I still hate it when people come close
I still panic when I don't have to
Still feel his hand on my skin
Degrading me in every way
Still remember the words he said to me


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by Author Reinvented

Sweet talk,
Candy lips,
Pull me closer,
Shake those hips.
Eat the Sugar,
Open up,
Make sure not to spill a drop.

You keep feeding me all this Candy,
Talking oh-so-sweetly,


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by akjdoijo mnajaj


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