Sexual abuse Poems

Popular Sexual abuse Poems
White hot starry night
by Jules Morton

I felt scattered to the wind
Broken fragments flying far away
That white hot starry night
Drowning in moonlight
If you should find pieces of me
Do not try to piece me back together
For I will never be whole again
I lost my innocence long ago
No water could ever be hot enough
To scrub away the hands of all the ghosts


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by Jules Morton

Cold soulless blue eyes follow me
Hands and eyes wandering my frame
“Does that feel good?”
His hot breath on my neck
my small hands gripping the cigarette burned couch
I disappear into my head
Away from this empty basement full of my fears
No has never been a word that others have heeded
Instead they carve out pieces of me
Greedy to take their fill before discarding me


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Recent Sexual abuse Poems
White hot starry night
by Jules Morton

I felt scattered to the wind
Broken fragments flying far away
That white hot starry night
Drowning in moonlight
If you should find pieces of me
Do not try to piece me back together
For I will never be whole again
I lost my innocence long ago
No water could ever be hot enough
To scrub away the hands of all the ghosts


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by Jules Morton

Cold soulless blue eyes follow me
Hands and eyes wandering my frame
“Does that feel good?”
His hot breath on my neck
my small hands gripping the cigarette burned couch
I disappear into my head
Away from this empty basement full of my fears
No has never been a word that others have heeded
Instead they carve out pieces of me
Greedy to take their fill before discarding me


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Popular Poets about Sexual abuse From Members
  • Jules Morton
    Jules Morton (2 poems about Sexual abuse)
    September 6 1999 Pennsylvania