A river in plain
Erodes a bank to deposit
it on the other.
Dated: 14th Jan 2025.
When the evening sun is slanting,
When the crickets raise their chanting,
And the dewdrops lie a-twinkling on the grass,
As I climb the pathway slowly,
With a mien half proud, half lowly,
O'er the ground your feet have trod I gently pass.
Round the empty house I wander,
Where the ivy now is fonder
Of your memory than those long gone away;
There's light everywhere;
Still, our hearts are full of murk;
We need light indeed.
With aging, my love
Now, scanning an emptiness
Using AI !
Dated: 26th Nov 2023.
(*AI: Artificial Intelligence.)
As love being filled in
Chlorophylls- returning it
As Oxygen to the earth.
Dated: 16th June, 2024.
A river in plain
Erodes a bank to deposit
it on the other.
Dated: 14th Jan 2025.
The pedantic words
May seem to you too much wise,
But they're worth nothing.
Looking at flowers
In the bush, the baby threw
The one- in its hand!
Dated: 03-11-2024.
Dogs shall keep barking;
Still, never let them vex you;
It's your life, for sure.
Stardom caused me scars;
I'm happy with what I have;
No paparazzi.