Flashing with hues of footprints in a rainy forest,
That storms in the white space of my mind!
Not again, I ask myself, what’s a memory?
A river that flows upon the pebbles of the past?
Or a Garden that nourishes my lifeless static?
Yet, in its fleeting dance, every legacy is crafted.
Neither the buzzing bug that flew to hurt me today,
Nor the marching mantis I tried to dodge yesterday,
These flashes are of the taste I had in drops of polio!
Who are you and Why are you Here?
Why did you come to Earth, my Dear?
Begin your Quest, do not Fear!
After 40 years, I started my Quest
I had the Guts to put all Beliefs to Test
The Reward was Worth it, it was the Best!
I am not ‘I’, I Realized the Truth
I Searched and went to the Bottom of the Root
Flashing with hues of footprints in a rainy forest,
That storms in the white space of my mind!
Not again, I ask myself, what’s a memory?
A river that flows upon the pebbles of the past?
Or a Garden that nourishes my lifeless static?
Yet, in its fleeting dance, every legacy is crafted.
Neither the buzzing bug that flew to hurt me today,
Nor the marching mantis I tried to dodge yesterday,
These flashes are of the taste I had in drops of polio!
Who are you and Why are you Here?
Why did you come to Earth, my Dear?
Begin your Quest, do not Fear!
After 40 years, I started my Quest
I had the Guts to put all Beliefs to Test
The Reward was Worth it, it was the Best!
I am not ‘I’, I Realized the Truth
I Searched and went to the Bottom of the Root