Ruin Poems

Popular Ruin Poems
The Birth of Deluge
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

A fent in the huge, rain-blooded gourd
of heaven pukes Deluge and dirt
upon these lands...

Angry heavens spit violently
downwards, towards hidden collieries of
harlotry — accompanied by Deluge and
white rage — satins of gold-lined thrones
become whited sepulchral flags.

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Portrait of Ruin
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Stone walls have fallen,
Alongside them the foot-bridge
Over the silken, gleaming stream

Submerged by wailing soils,
Ancestral pillars bow to the
Pressures of aged boulders

Rain is betrayed by lightning,
And with potent razors sharper


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Recent Ruin Poems
The Birth of Deluge
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

A fent in the huge, rain-blooded gourd
of heaven pukes Deluge and dirt
upon these lands...

Angry heavens spit violently
downwards, towards hidden collieries of
harlotry — accompanied by Deluge and
white rage — satins of gold-lined thrones
become whited sepulchral flags.

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Portrait of Ruin
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Stone walls have fallen,
Alongside them the foot-bridge
Over the silken, gleaming stream

Submerged by wailing soils,
Ancestral pillars bow to the
Pressures of aged boulders

Rain is betrayed by lightning,
And with potent razors sharper


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