The country's on fire
Buildings ablaze
A situation most dire
Filmed through the haze.
Protesters all shouting
Passions inflamed
Of their anger no doubting
For the victim now named.
Beyond the crest
Of the peaceful land of ours,
Of love, compassion and humanity
Stares at us cruelly an untrusted masquerading face
With long red greening teeth, hands blood smeared
In their favourite back-stabbing game waged on since long
Unseen and unhidden from us, but exposed to global eyes.
The so called dogma
Of the people beyond, gone astray
Cancel Culture, Black Lives Matter,
Me too movement, Gay rights too,
Social media so much chatter
Have a gripe, just join the queue.
Pro-choice stalwarts, pro-life hawks,
Farm to table, Save the earth,
A world of slogans, countless squawks
A new cause daily sees it's birth.
Beyond the crest
Of the peaceful land of ours,
Of love, compassion and humanity
Stares at us cruelly an untrusted masquerading face
With long red greening teeth, hands blood smeared
In their favourite back-stabbing game waged on since long
Unseen and unhidden from us, but exposed to global eyes.
The so called dogma
Of the people beyond, gone astray
Cancel Culture, Black Lives Matter,
Me too movement, Gay rights too,
Social media so much chatter
Have a gripe, just join the queue.
Pro-choice stalwarts, pro-life hawks,
Farm to table, Save the earth,
A world of slogans, countless squawks
A new cause daily sees it's birth.
The country's on fire
Buildings ablaze
A situation most dire
Filmed through the haze.
Protesters all shouting
Passions inflamed
Of their anger no doubting
For the victim now named.