Responsibility Poems

Popular Responsibility Poems
Sticks and Stones
by Richard Randolph

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
but it’s words that really hurt you.
Language that systematically undermines
one’s culture, race, religion, or sexual orientation
slowly dehumanizes and degrades
until hate and violence become acceptable,
normalized, even inevitable.


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Distribution/Розподіл (Ukrainian)
by Halyna Myroslava

сизою пеленою
заволочене яйце ока нового світу
викотившись із темряви
теплого гнізда
на світло
повчитись бачити
одну за одною у білому


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The Search For My Serenity
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

My struggles really started...
When I was just a kid...
Running the streets and getting in trouble...
For everything I did...

I wanted people to like me...
To have friends and be really cool...
But I always felt like a outsider...
Alone, every day after school...


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Out of time
by Simon Deeley

Who am I to decide?
Who am I to choose who lives and dies?
All boats float on a rising tide
I see what’s worthy
And this scurvey sea dog
Is not so impervious
To the ravages of time any more.
Any more? Any more for any more?
Last orders at the bar
Then we’ll show you the door.


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Recent Responsibility Poems
Distribution/Розподіл (Ukrainian)
by Halyna Myroslava

сизою пеленою
заволочене яйце ока нового світу
викотившись із темряви
теплого гнізда
на світло
повчитись бачити
одну за одною у білому


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Out of time
by Simon Deeley

Who am I to decide?
Who am I to choose who lives and dies?
All boats float on a rising tide
I see what’s worthy
And this scurvey sea dog
Is not so impervious
To the ravages of time any more.
Any more? Any more for any more?
Last orders at the bar
Then we’ll show you the door.


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Sticks and Stones
by Richard Randolph

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
but it’s words that really hurt you.
Language that systematically undermines
one’s culture, race, religion, or sexual orientation
slowly dehumanizes and degrades
until hate and violence become acceptable,
normalized, even inevitable.


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The Search For My Serenity
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

My struggles really started...
When I was just a kid...
Running the streets and getting in trouble...
For everything I did...

I wanted people to like me...
To have friends and be really cool...
But I always felt like a outsider...
Alone, every day after school...


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Responsibility From Members
  • Simon Deeley
    Simon Deeley (1 poems about Responsibility)
    Dec '79; England