Searing blades full of thunder,
Helping tear the world asunder,
Bleeding truth of guile and fear,
Raucous voices emit a cheer.
Bring again the word of dark,
Preying demons soon embark,
Stalk the innocent, selfless lives,
As light must flee so darkness thrives.
Immersed in the treasures of nature
Gifts of divine stature
Sitting on a chair as soft as a marshmallow
Wondering why emojis are yellow
It’s all a mystery
What is life? Why do I get hungry?!
Why can’t I stay days without eating?
Or days my heart not beating?
Yet you may think these are childish questions
Words of no profit,
Chitchat and debate
worth no participate!
Rather saving the lost,
Edifying the synagogue.
It’s the beast works
For men to mine;
Strifes among themselves,
upon this day
for haven't you heard
the kingdom of God
is now the word
from young to old
of those who seek
the kingdom of God
in which we speak
Antichrist denies that Jesus Christ is God who came in the flesh
He Opposes God and Exalts himself above God
He is the beast rising up out of the sea, having 7heads and 10 horns
Upon his horns 10 crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy
He is the Beast with the number 666
He is the man of sin, the son of perdition
The Man of Lawlessness and who change times and laws
He is the deceiver of the elect and Wolf in sheep's clothing
He comes in peace and obtains the kingdom by flatteries
I never caused trouble
In my friends life
I always respect their
They want me to treat them right
Not coursing at them
That is a horrible thing to do
Also I mistreat them
None friends like to be mistreated
They want to be treated with respect
Don't ask me why
Why God made me
Don't ask me why
I am a child of God
Don't ask me why
I am a middle class person
Don't ask me why
I made friends with poor people
I don't like the rich people at all
Because they despise the poor people
Even though I love you
My dear Father
For have made me
With your holy hands
Many years ago
Yes I am glad that
I can live my life the way
I want every single day
AIso I need to live my life to the fullest
Every single day
upon this day
for haven't you heard
the kingdom of God
is now the word
from young to old
of those who seek
the kingdom of God
in which we speak
Hell's fire is not for me
but to those of them
that's heading there
think long and hard
before you do
you still have time
to change your mind
the chip they have
is not for you
cuz once you sign