Rat Poems | Poemist

Rat Poems

Popular Rat Poems
No Rat Is Indeed Above The Law
by Hébert Logerie

No rat is indeed above the law
Justice must be blind, fair, equal and raw
For all, in a democratic society
We are angry and fed-up with the glaring hypocrisy
Where the poor are treated wrongfully or unfairly
And the rich get away absolutely scot-free
With heinous crimes, with murder and theft
Many innocent people are put to death
In arbitrary, prejudicial and unusual fashion
And the red-handed culprits are, in their mansion


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Recent Rat Poems
No Rat Is Indeed Above The Law
by Hébert Logerie

No rat is indeed above the law
Justice must be blind, fair, equal and raw
For all, in a democratic society
We are angry and fed-up with the glaring hypocrisy
Where the poor are treated wrongfully or unfairly
And the rich get away absolutely scot-free
With heinous crimes, with murder and theft
Many innocent people are put to death
In arbitrary, prejudicial and unusual fashion
And the red-handed culprits are, in their mansion


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