Questions about life Poems

Popular Questions about life Poems
A Meaningless Puzzle
by Besa Dede

I often catch a glimpse of sadness in your eyes.
I wonder why?
What makes you cry?
You breathe in and sigh
So many challenged vies,
I see hidden within your eyes.
You cast your look up at the skies,
And say ' The sun will always rise
Even though some people might despise
The thought of it, and might chastise


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Recent Questions about life Poems
A Meaningless Puzzle
by Besa Dede

I often catch a glimpse of sadness in your eyes.
I wonder why?
What makes you cry?
You breathe in and sigh
So many challenged vies,
I see hidden within your eyes.
You cast your look up at the skies,
And say ' The sun will always rise
Even though some people might despise
The thought of it, and might chastise


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Popular Poets about Questions about life From Members
  • Besa Dede
    Besa Dede (1 poems about Questions about life)