Question Poems

Popular Question Poems
The Reply
by Sir Lewis Morris

IF I were to answer you
As you would, my soul would soar
Like the lark from earth-born eyes,
Soar and hide in far-off skies,
Soar and come to mortal view

Whatsoever chance befall,
Of myself I'd die possest.
If they hold a willing mind


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Plight of the Poet
by Christopher Kolmen

Is brevity not the soul of wit
So why then dilute the words which we spit
Is it perchance some performative urge
Some selfish ambition to a little longer be heard
What cause do we have to slight our creations
If not entitlement to our meaningless station
Am I not but a jester who wears a tin crown
Yet speaks of it as gold with the hope that my mouth is not bound

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Recent Question Poems
Plight of the Poet
by Christopher Kolmen

Is brevity not the soul of wit
So why then dilute the words which we spit
Is it perchance some performative urge
Some selfish ambition to a little longer be heard
What cause do we have to slight our creations
If not entitlement to our meaningless station
Am I not but a jester who wears a tin crown
Yet speaks of it as gold with the hope that my mouth is not bound

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The Reply
by Sir Lewis Morris

IF I were to answer you
As you would, my soul would soar
Like the lark from earth-born eyes,
Soar and hide in far-off skies,
Soar and come to mortal view

Whatsoever chance befall,
Of myself I'd die possest.
If they hold a willing mind


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