Poets Poems

Popular Poets Poems
With A Copy Of Shelley
by Harriet Monroe

BEHOLD, I send thee to the heights of song,
My brother! Let thine eyes awake as clear
As morning dew, within whose glowing sphere
Is mirrored half a world; and listen long,
Till in thine ears, famished to keenness, throng
The bugles of the soul, till far and near
Silence grows populous, and wind and mere
Are phantom-choked with voices. Then be strong—
Then halt not till thou seest the beacons flare
Souls mad for truth have lit from peak to peak.


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The Composition of Shadows (I & II)
by Michael R. Burch

These are poems about poetry, poems about writing, poems about the process of composition...

The Composition of Shadows (I)
by Michael R. Burch

“I made it out of a mouthful of air.”—W. B. Yeats

We breathe and so we write; the night


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Among the dark poets
by Tammy Darby

From a murky corner I emerge briefly
Penetrating and blinding
Shone the light upon my face

To gush a few words of insanity
If I may say so though tongue in cheek
With a touch of eloquence and grace

A rare moment of clarity though quite fleeting
Upon you my irrational thoughts in verse I endow


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by Tammy Darby


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A Multitude of Woes
by Carl Halling

Yes, there was a time
I was obsessed by melancholy,
I saw deep sadness,
The quality that so tormented
My former favoured idols,
Poets, painters,
Musicians, actors,
Creators of every kind,
As glamorous and romantic,
But it’s not,


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Recent Poets Poems
The Composition of Shadows (I & II)
by Michael R. Burch

These are poems about poetry, poems about writing, poems about the process of composition...

The Composition of Shadows (I)
by Michael R. Burch

“I made it out of a mouthful of air.”—W. B. Yeats

We breathe and so we write; the night


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Poets & Words
by Saleh Ben Saleh

No words shall please my soul,
if not from deep within.
In life we laugh and weep,
as moods with time do spin.
Even a poet does need a flare,
to devise his ringy rhymes.
To sculpt a verse from solid words,
is a masters work, sublime.

When fine words mingle and mix,


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Poems about Poets and Poems for Poets
by Michael R. Burch

Poems about Poets
Poems for Poets

What the Poet Sees
by Michael R. Burch

What the poet sees,
he sees as a swimmer


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Réponse À Carl Brouard
by Hébert Logerie

Ce n’est pas obligatoire
Mais je me fais le devoir
De répondre à Carl Brouard
Savoir boire n’est pas un art
Boire n’est pas un devoir
Mais une nécessité obligatoire
Cruciale voire vitale de boire
De l’eau. Choisir un tel destin aléatoire
De boire sa jeunesse
Jusqu'à l’ivresse


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Poetry Is Hot, Alive And Well
by Hébert Logerie

Poetry is not dead
Poetry will never die
Poets do not lie
Poetry is naturally well-fed
With vibrant poems every second
Of the day to make the soil more fecund
The brain is alert and strong
Nothing can possibly go wrong
Poetry is ubiquitous
Poetry is sexy and serendipitous


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