Port Harcourt, my Port Harcourt,
A baronial city, bedraggled and obstreperous;
A city with the good, the bad and the ugly,
Deprived of all in tandem with beauty.
Port Harcourt, my renowned Garden City,
Parlous, galling and , of course, shambolic;
A city where the gardens are but mere weeds;
One where looters and junkies own the streets.
A long time ago I met a pretty lady
Gorgeous, sexy and indeed an epitome of beauty-
She’s so beautiful that any man in my shoes
Would die for her unhesitatingly.
Seeing her, I approached her shyly
For she was super sexy
And irresistible- she’s got some glossy lips
Which make me want to kiss
Her instantaneously
Your pulchritude is like a magic spell,
Binding all that breathe like an African 'Juju'.
Your name, to many, is sturdy and mystical,
Just like the unfathomable Abracadabra.
Your comeliness and incomparability get me entombed in flabbergast,
Your eyes are like charms, hypnotizing me ad infinitum;
You're the manacle that fetters me with hyper-ecstacy; the world's jewel of inestimable value.
Oh, how exhilarated I am to be one of yours!
Unclad she saunters,
Surrounded by waters.
She is beclouded by felony
Yet embraced by colossal melancholy!
Unloved by the one she loves,
Now believing there are no doves,
Many a time she attempts suicide,
Wishing for the efficacy of the pesticide!
'Men are scums', she exclaims nonstop
Unclad she saunters,
Surrounded by waters.
She is beclouded by felony
Yet embraced by colossal melancholy!
Unloved by the one she loves,
Now believing there are no doves,
Many a time she attempts suicide,
Wishing for the efficacy of the pesticide!
'Men are scums', she exclaims nonstop
Port Harcourt, my Port Harcourt,
A baronial city, bedraggled and obstreperous;
A city with the good, the bad and the ugly,
Deprived of all in tandem with beauty.
Port Harcourt, my renowned Garden City,
Parlous, galling and , of course, shambolic;
A city where the gardens are but mere weeds;
One where looters and junkies own the streets.
Your pulchritude is like a magic spell,
Binding all that breathe like an African 'Juju'.
Your name, to many, is sturdy and mystical,
Just like the unfathomable Abracadabra.
Your comeliness and incomparability get me entombed in flabbergast,
Your eyes are like charms, hypnotizing me ad infinitum;
You're the manacle that fetters me with hyper-ecstacy; the world's jewel of inestimable value.
Oh, how exhilarated I am to be one of yours!
A long time ago I met a pretty lady
Gorgeous, sexy and indeed an epitome of beauty-
She’s so beautiful that any man in my shoes
Would die for her unhesitatingly.
Seeing her, I approached her shyly
For she was super sexy
And irresistible- she’s got some glossy lips
Which make me want to kiss
Her instantaneously