that fine, pneumatic
piece of gem from space,
bulbous, bluish with
the hand of beauty
adorned with furry clouds,
yet in closer sense lies
senseless to internal
a milky way rise
in maroon alien skies
starry, starry night
fragrance of green rose
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We're now in the year 6555, and I am feeling happy and so alive,
Above, sunshine pours like honey, as along the oceanside I drive.
Wind whips my hair around, beneath skies a deep sparkling blue,
Like the confusion all around, when colorful swarms pass through.
Amidst the glorious scenery, sea planes touch down and take off,
Like those beautiful scenes created, when sun and moon faceoff!
Scarlet, plum and saffron blooms, dance up and down this coast,
S pectacular sight, beautiful, distant and mysteriou s,
A mazing ring attraction, like colors to the nebul a,
T antalizingly close, but from golden sun far apar t,
U nchecked, wild and free, like egrets on the bayo u!
R are, unique space drifter, since the age of cance r,
N ewly probed, but scarcely understood, secrets hidde n.
that fine, pneumatic
piece of gem from space,
bulbous, bluish with
the hand of beauty
adorned with furry clouds,
yet in closer sense lies
senseless to internal
Twilight hangs over the western horizon, perfectly in sync with the natural setting
The moon is ready to replace its function as the faithful wife of the earth
The sun, which has slipped, seems to understand and is aware of its function to end the causality of its work
They never get tired of complaining about the Creator's orders, even though because of the anomaly in their nature they sometimes envelop each other. That's against their will
The Cosmic Macro Realm always provides peace
However, there are always irregularities caused by the inhabitants of the earth who are always destroying the mini world
This planet is indeed the only place suitable for visiting, although there may be other secret planets that also have inhabitants.
I am one of the millions of people who may be comfortable with the fact that the earth I live on is now old
I was an elementary school teacher, with dreaming eyes to the rosy future,
Like the emerald, cherry blossom season, arriving later rather than sooner.
As a creative teacher, I was so popular, as children were my pearled world,
Like the blooming cloud covered expanse, where spicy wind's lately swirled.
I looked forward to adventurous hours, like time with no backward motion,
In deep thrill of golden, new discoveries, of which none had a vague notion.
Evenings with friends, among roses, found nightingale still sweetly singing,
fragrance of green rose
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When I'm deepest green
beneath clear blue skies and seas
cascades of flowers!
Then bliss hours of my beauty
and my radiant good health.
In blue hours of green
birds sing and there's abundance
planetary dream
I hope soon days are coming