Personal Poems

Popular Personal Poems
by Anna Culotta

When you think of flowers
blooming you think of the
stages they must go through-
to get to the point of being
admired by the world, even
captivating a lover's eye-
as if it is waiting to be plucked and cherished eagerly.
But the ones I cherish
bloom in my heart. You planted
them there so unexpectedly.


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Love me so
by Sindhu Sreekumar

warm air
my nights,
ignite a fire
in my bosom.
Sink me
in your
seep into


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Something I wrote
by Samyak Deshbhratar

I know we can not see eye to eye these days
When I think of closing my eyes a voice in my heart stays
No voice can enamour my soul
Still whispering in my head, it stays as whole
I vacate the noise to get away from you
A weird chaos I just cannot get through
Like wild lilies blossom again, I feel drowning in myself
Just like a sand you'll get washed away from me as I carry my shell
Not to let anyone in staying in stook, I feel like I am better this way
I call you still to increase misunderstanding and mistakes we fall back away


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Marginal Tales of the Galloping Horses 2002
by Rudra Kinshuk


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by Callie Hayes

I despise the ocean
but this girl in my head does not
She is not afraid to love
and she is not afraid to rot

And if it can't be perfect
then it shan't be done at all
Tip back in your chair
Slam your head against the wall


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Recent Personal Poems
by M. Unknown

A soft touch on your skin when you’re upset.
A comforting body when you need someone to hold.
A loving person in times you feel lonely.
Most important someone who loves you for you, and is proud of your existence.

It’s hard to explain why I miss something that was never there. It’s even harder to imagine how it would feel, have you not experienced it yourself.

It baffles me that this is something I could not experience myself. I envy everyone who did.
Maybe I would be more human, instead I’m full of hatred.


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Blues Of An Eleven Year Old
by Kamran Qureshi

"Blues Of An Eleven Year Old"

I wonder how it was for her

To be with you.

And I wonder very often

What it is like - to be you.


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daddy’s favorite quote
by Kamran Qureshi

"The Battle of Life Is Fought Uphill"

was daddy’s favorite quote, till

it was finally inscribed

on his gravestone,

right at the foot of the hill,


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by Callie Hayes

I despise the ocean
but this girl in my head does not
She is not afraid to love
and she is not afraid to rot

And if it can't be perfect
then it shan't be done at all
Tip back in your chair
Slam your head against the wall


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by Anna Culotta

When you think of flowers
blooming you think of the
stages they must go through-
to get to the point of being
admired by the world, even
captivating a lover's eye-
as if it is waiting to be plucked and cherished eagerly.
But the ones I cherish
bloom in my heart. You planted
them there so unexpectedly.


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    Rudra Kinshuk (2 poems about Personal)
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  • Kamran Qureshi
    Kamran Qureshi (2 poems about Personal)
    Lahore, Pakistan
  • Natalia Bobb
    Natalia Bobb (1 poem about Personal)
    June 15, 2002
  • Jude Harding
    Jude Harding (1 poems about Personal)
  • Samyak Deshbhratar
    Samyak Deshbhratar (1 poems about Personal)
    October 7, 2000 - Pune
  • Ashley Reichard
    Ashley Reichard (1 poems about Personal)
    07-14-1996 United States
  • Sindhu Sreekumar
    Sindhu Sreekumar (1 poem about Personal)
    Kozhikode, June 05 1976
  • anon d
    anon d (1 poems about Personal)
  • K B
    K B (1 poem about Personal)
  • Anna Culotta
    Anna Culotta (1 poem about Personal)
    New to poet5ry. Just looking for someone to exchange feedback with and get inspiration maybe to write new content.