Partners Poems

Popular Partners Poems
From the dusk rises the dawn
by Jeffrey Josselyn

Sometimes the sunset is glorious
Other times the sunset brings dusk
Dusk becomes long leading to a dark night
Doubt, fear, angst are each children of that dark night

My way in that night becomes twisted, the path muddied
I fear i may not find my way home
My heart aches, my mind struggles for clarity
The children of that night grow strong


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Recent Partners Poems
From the dusk rises the dawn
by Jeffrey Josselyn

Sometimes the sunset is glorious
Other times the sunset brings dusk
Dusk becomes long leading to a dark night
Doubt, fear, angst are each children of that dark night

My way in that night becomes twisted, the path muddied
I fear i may not find my way home
My heart aches, my mind struggles for clarity
The children of that night grow strong


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