Outback Poems

Popular Outback Poems
Closer to the Sun
by Edwin Miles

I am closer to the sun out here
a blink is a futile attempt for a reprieve,

purse and lick of cracked lips
only deepening the damage

I blink again, this time an SOS
an ancient code that no one sees

the heat has turned me mad


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Recent Outback Poems
Closer to the Sun
by Edwin Miles

I am closer to the sun out here
a blink is a futile attempt for a reprieve,

purse and lick of cracked lips
only deepening the damage

I blink again, this time an SOS
an ancient code that no one sees

the heat has turned me mad


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  • Edwin Miles
    Edwin Miles (1 poems about Outback)
    May 12, 1982 Outback Australia