Old age Poems

Popular Old age Poems
The Old Man In The Chair
by Leo Warne

That old man in the chair
with the still, spotted hands
hunched over on his porch
and gazing into nowhere.
His youth has ran,
on the ground he lands.
No one seems to care,
and onto them, his dead eyes stare.

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In One's Age to One's Youth
by Edith Matilda Thomas

Listen, thou child I used to be!
I know what thou didst fret to know-
Knowledge thou couldst not lure to thee,
Whatever bribe thou wouldst bestow.
That knowledge but a waymark plants
Along the road of ignorance.

Listen, thou child I used to be!
I am enlarged where thou wert bound,
Though vaunting still that thou wast free,


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When I am Old
by Margaret Elizab Sangster

When I am old and drenched in worlds of sadness,
And wear a lacy cap upon my head;
When, looking past the future's singing gladness,
I linger, wistful, in the years long dead.
When I am old, and young folk all about me,
Speak softly of religion, when they speak,
When parties are a grand success without me;
And when my laugh is fluttering and weak-

Will I then be content to raise my glances,


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Only A Moment
by Michael J. Nappi

A scowl...
With hands on face
We are marked,
Stalked… and prey

Ticking away in escape
It cannot be saved
Moments pass behind us
Now becomes then


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Glimpses of My Mom
by Richard Randolph

'Who are you? ' she asks.
'I'm Rick, ' I say.
'That's funny, ' she says. 'I have a son named Rick.'
She stares at me.
'You look something like him.'
'Mom, I'm your son Rick.'
'Oh, my Rick! ' she exclaims.
She reaches out her hand, and I take it gently.
It's cold and I can see blue veins just beneath the skin.
'How are you doing, Mom? '


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Recent Old age Poems
On growing old (apology to W/B. Yeats)
by Peter Dr Lim

On Growing Old (Apology to W.B. Yeats)

The very idea
of being old
is comforting
time for renouncing-
nothing weighty
anymore to hold-

past stories


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Only A Moment
by Michael J. Nappi

A scowl...
With hands on face
We are marked,
Stalked… and prey

Ticking away in escape
It cannot be saved
Moments pass behind us
Now becomes then


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Life is just a journey
by Saleh Ben Saleh

With age I’ve grown tired,
weary but not insane.
My bones are rather achy,
but my heart is too humane.
At night my vision is blurry,
with pills I kill my pain.

My hearing aid does help,
for sound to reach my brain.
But offensive words do fall,


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Dining Room Chair
by Gabriel Sanchez

Unvarnished and worn by age
see it slouch by the wall,
its silence sharper than the kitchen knives.

We rely on something or someone sturdy.
Facing the candlelight at meals, he holds her
to resist the decay of ashwood

until it breaks at its last supper.
He knows where the kindling goes.


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Reminiscence Again
by Pijush Biswas

Though the day I had at it's fill
Only you the one come by my way
And rather the old friends did conceal
Behind curtain, on the day.

Later Sun rise, after all, on you
Half hidden from the shine I call
As the withered leaves by dew
Restore itself, next to fall.


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