Obianuju! Obianuju! My epitome of beauty,
Captivating in all façades, an all in one cutie.
As gentle as a dove you, my dear, always are,
Twinkling ad infinitum like the shooting star.
Lips so glossy, making lyrical my mouth now
And then. Oh, I love the shape of your brow!
My diva with skin like the firm-fleshed ripe fruit,
Lovely in all façades, my dearest Cupid's root.
Now and then I feel you, even in your absence,
Obianuju! Obianuju! My epitome of beauty,
Captivating in all façades, an all in one cutie.
As gentle as a dove you, my dear, always are,
Twinkling ad infinitum like the shooting star.
Lips so glossy, making lyrical my mouth now
And then. Oh, I love the shape of your brow!
My diva with skin like the firm-fleshed ripe fruit,
Lovely in all façades, my dearest Cupid's root.
Now and then I feel you, even in your absence,