Obtrusive Poems

Popular Obtrusive Poems
Don't tell me
by Arvin Dassad

Don't tell me it's okay,
I don't deserve it that way,
Don't tell me your just fine,
Fine was always mine,
You own the words in my throat,
A creamy spatter,
What could be
What was
I can't be here
I can't be without you


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by Arvin Dassad

Don't tell me it's okay,
I don't deserve it that way,
Don't tell me your just fine,
Fine was always mine,
You own the words in my throat,
A creamy spatter,
What could be
What was
I can't be here
I can't be without you


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Recent Obtrusive Poems
by Arvin Dassad

Don't tell me it's okay,
I don't deserve it that way,
Don't tell me your just fine,
Fine was always mine,
You own the words in my throat,
A creamy spatter,
What could be
What was
I can't be here
I can't be without you


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Don't tell me
by Arvin Dassad

Don't tell me it's okay,
I don't deserve it that way,
Don't tell me your just fine,
Fine was always mine,
You own the words in my throat,
A creamy spatter,
What could be
What was
I can't be here
I can't be without you


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Obtrusive From Members
  • Arvin Dassad
    Arvin Dassad (2 poems about Obtrusive)
    Brooklyn, New York- 11/21/1994