Notre dame Poems

Popular Notre dame Poems
The flames of notre dame
by Carter Botham

When you look upon the flames of Notre dame,
Smoke billowing from the rafters
Of the place where history and fiction meet,
And at the sidelines begin to pray
To God's of old and fragile ways
And watch your history blaze away
By dancing embers of firey red
Below a skeleton of black
As the spire of scaffolding begins to crack
And all its memories, like it


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Recent Notre dame Poems
The flames of notre dame
by Carter Botham

When you look upon the flames of Notre dame,
Smoke billowing from the rafters
Of the place where history and fiction meet,
And at the sidelines begin to pray
To God's of old and fragile ways
And watch your history blaze away
By dancing embers of firey red
Below a skeleton of black
As the spire of scaffolding begins to crack
And all its memories, like it


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