Not the same type of people Poems

Popular Not the same type of people Poems
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by Matthew Conrad

the current, cultural export of these people (the h'americans) tells you a lot, they're not not the sort of people to have landed on the moon: more like the sort of people who landed on their own asses... self-claustrophobic and subsequently self-orientated, the world closures of capitalism: self-employed... whence people shunned bogus entrepreneurship for a calm collective borrowed from experiences in pedagogy: schools... the current people off the "current" people that landed on moon? they're not the same people... 50 years is not exactly a breaking point... uber (the app) was alive and well in St. Petersburg.. you'd urban hitch-hike... stick your thumb out... a stranger would pick you up... western lands? highly agreeable socities are also highly conscientious societies... but they're also low on trust... a monetary anti-monetary foundation... trust is neither an agreeable nor a conscientious aggregate... the plunge... you either trust a stranger: or you don't... these: the current h'americans: are not the sort of people equate to: having made a landmark for a "collective" humanity of landing on the moon... nope... if they were the people who affirmed such a feat... they'd be rolemodels... they're not! these people didn't land on the moon and starved the brothers Grimm... even if they did? a fluke... like i said: if they did? i'd be a tourist on the moon... evidently they didn't land on the moon with a fucking smartphone in the palm of their hands... such a super-computer that was measured by cubic metres to allot... self-absrobed anorexic barbies in hansel und gretel gingerbread grand "not so really great" gatsby lodges... i caste my doubts... whether or not it happened is... no one doubted Gagarin... beside the point... now i would be deluded... if i said such things, having stood on the moon... i still see no reason to celebrate... the sort of people who would have ventured for a footprint and a lodged flag on the surface on the moon, would not be the sort of people we are to inquire about... i guess the fiction exhuasted itself... played cheat-mode against the Soviets... and yet... how peacefully did the Soviet Union disintegrate... no combatitive Kazakhs... Uzbekhs... etc., it fell apart like a: yawn... imagine if the states were to disintegrate... partisan unions akin to the confederate allign would sprout! these people didn't land on the moon, not in their current state... landing on the moon is one thing, resorting to claim an economic boost via reality t.v. smut? that's quiet another!

i'm sorry, where are we "at" again?
i've been experiencing a lullaby effect
for some time...
100 years on the revival is not enough...
to claim: "independence" -
russian gas, saudi dajjal ibn-saud oil:
muhammad did warn the saudis...
he would come from the east...


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Recent Not the same type of people Poems
suggested title in: topics
by Matthew Conrad

the current, cultural export of these people (the h'americans) tells you a lot, they're not not the sort of people to have landed on the moon: more like the sort of people who landed on their own asses... self-claustrophobic and subsequently self-orientated, the world closures of capitalism: self-employed... whence people shunned bogus entrepreneurship for a calm collective borrowed from experiences in pedagogy: schools... the current people off the "current" people that landed on moon? they're not the same people... 50 years is not exactly a breaking point... uber (the app) was alive and well in St. Petersburg.. you'd urban hitch-hike... stick your thumb out... a stranger would pick you up... western lands? highly agreeable socities are also highly conscientious societies... but they're also low on trust... a monetary anti-monetary foundation... trust is neither an agreeable nor a conscientious aggregate... the plunge... you either trust a stranger: or you don't... these: the current h'americans: are not the sort of people equate to: having made a landmark for a "collective" humanity of landing on the moon... nope... if they were the people who affirmed such a feat... they'd be rolemodels... they're not! these people didn't land on the moon and starved the brothers Grimm... even if they did? a fluke... like i said: if they did? i'd be a tourist on the moon... evidently they didn't land on the moon with a fucking smartphone in the palm of their hands... such a super-computer that was measured by cubic metres to allot... self-absrobed anorexic barbies in hansel und gretel gingerbread grand "not so really great" gatsby lodges... i caste my doubts... whether or not it happened is... no one doubted Gagarin... beside the point... now i would be deluded... if i said such things, having stood on the moon... i still see no reason to celebrate... the sort of people who would have ventured for a footprint and a lodged flag on the surface on the moon, would not be the sort of people we are to inquire about... i guess the fiction exhuasted itself... played cheat-mode against the Soviets... and yet... how peacefully did the Soviet Union disintegrate... no combatitive Kazakhs... Uzbekhs... etc., it fell apart like a: yawn... imagine if the states were to disintegrate... partisan unions akin to the confederate allign would sprout! these people didn't land on the moon, not in their current state... landing on the moon is one thing, resorting to claim an economic boost via reality t.v. smut? that's quiet another!

i'm sorry, where are we "at" again?
i've been experiencing a lullaby effect
for some time...
100 years on the revival is not enough...
to claim: "independence" -
russian gas, saudi dajjal ibn-saud oil:
muhammad did warn the saudis...
he would come from the east...


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