Nigerian poem Poems

Popular Nigerian poem Poems
by Graham Ereks

Like a pooch I am chained
Here and caged
Surrounded by the walls,
Not even a single being.

I am hurt, yet the reason is inexplicable-
In tears, yet my feeling is incomprehensible;
But I am a victim of circumstances
Caged not because I’d broken the law
Of my country but because I refused to be corrupt.


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Recent Nigerian poem Poems
by Graham Ereks

Like a pooch I am chained
Here and caged
Surrounded by the walls,
Not even a single being.

I am hurt, yet the reason is inexplicable-
In tears, yet my feeling is incomprehensible;
But I am a victim of circumstances
Caged not because I’d broken the law
Of my country but because I refused to be corrupt.


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