Mythology Poems

Popular Mythology Poems
Pure Myth: Wukong 古风·悟空(Ⅰ)
by Yayu Uppsurya


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The Greats
by Tyler Morello

All artists strive to be like the Greats.
No shame in vying to be someone's Van Gogh,
Going, going, gone, Homer
with his Odysseys and Iliads
and to all, a million ears lent.
Just as Romans did to Antony in Caesar.
Shakespeare's sonnets sold out theatres,
but I grasp at the same words as he.
I pin them to the walls.
I paint them on the mirror.


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by Tammy Darby

Among the Gorgons that counted three
Touched by comeliness being mortal only she
Beauty that in awe of the universe bowed down
Her glorious sumptuous hair a glowing grace
More exquisite than Aphrodite’s star-studded crown

Pursued and seduced by Poseidon was fair Medusa
The God of the jade seas and cerulean oceans deep
In the sacred temple of Athena
His unrelenting passion for her was consecrated


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Hymn to Jupiter
by Callimachus

Whilst we to Jove immortal and divine,
Perform the rites, and pour the ruddy wine;
What shall the Muse, with sacred rapture sing,
But Jove th' almighty and eternal king,
Who from high heav'n, with bursting thunder, hurl'd
The sons of earth, and awes th' ætherial world!
But say, thou first and greatest pow'r above!
Shall I Dictæan or Lycæan Jove
Attempt to sing?... Who knows thy mighty line?
And who can tell, except by pow'r divine,


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Metamodern Tantalus
by Tyler Morello

"It's alright to feel behind,"
What they told me when they learned
I had never slept with anyone.
"You're not missing out on anything, really.
Not the electric rush of skin on skin,
Not the satisfaction of man's most primal urge,
Certainly not the burning of carnal fuel
And the fumes that follow,
No, none of that is quite important.
You just keep doing you."


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Recent Mythology Poems
Pure Myth: Wukong 古风·悟空(Ⅰ)
by Yayu Uppsurya


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by Sirena V

every day, i'm heading closer;
life forcing me to push my own heavy boulder.
stuck in an endless loop like sisyphus;
feeling tortured on this earthly abyss.

i did not expect for life to be like this.

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by Chris Wind

I thought you would’ve learned–
all of you at Los Alamos,
and the rest of you
all over the world.

why was my story saved?
why is it told and retold
if not for that?

do you see in it


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The Greats
by Tyler Morello

All artists strive to be like the Greats.
No shame in vying to be someone's Van Gogh,
Going, going, gone, Homer
with his Odysseys and Iliads
and to all, a million ears lent.
Just as Romans did to Antony in Caesar.
Shakespeare's sonnets sold out theatres,
but I grasp at the same words as he.
I pin them to the walls.
I paint them on the mirror.


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Metamodern Tantalus
by Tyler Morello

"It's alright to feel behind,"
What they told me when they learned
I had never slept with anyone.
"You're not missing out on anything, really.
Not the electric rush of skin on skin,
Not the satisfaction of man's most primal urge,
Certainly not the burning of carnal fuel
And the fumes that follow,
No, none of that is quite important.
You just keep doing you."


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  • Chris Wind
    Chris Wind (1 poems about Mythology)
  • Sirena V
    Sirena V (1 poems about Mythology)
  • Yayu Uppsurya
    Yayu Uppsurya (1 poems about Mythology)
    September 16,Mysterious Year - China