My child Poems

Popular My child Poems
April Woman
by Salma Jayyusi

Poem to My Son

I am an April woman:
December ash that consumes itself
frightens me

My son, hide me while you rocket to the stars
spreading over the earth like grass
Winter thunderstorm will drink down
my river flowing with love's secrets,


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To see her smile again
by Raina Hutchins

It tears my heart to see my child
So lost, alone and sad
Shattered by her loss
And all the hopes and dreams they had
Knowing she pretends she’s strong
But deep inside she fears
Knowing when she’s all alone
She cries her silent tears
When I hear her laugh
I know it just a fake disguise


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Recent My child Poems
To see her smile again
by Raina Hutchins

It tears my heart to see my child
So lost, alone and sad
Shattered by her loss
And all the hopes and dreams they had
Knowing she pretends she’s strong
But deep inside she fears
Knowing when she’s all alone
She cries her silent tears
When I hear her laugh
I know it just a fake disguise


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April Woman
by Salma Jayyusi

Poem to My Son

I am an April woman:
December ash that consumes itself
frightens me

My son, hide me while you rocket to the stars
spreading over the earth like grass
Winter thunderstorm will drink down
my river flowing with love's secrets,


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  • Salma Jayyusi
    Salma Jayyusi (1 poems about My child)
    1926 / Jordanian-Palestinian