Morals Poems

Popular Morals Poems
94. As Thyself
by Kea Campbell

As Thyself
The grass is getting greener, incomparable on either side. 
Observe—they're different shades, nonetheless a beautiful palette to the naked eye. 
Trees, still leafless, and allergy season has yet to arrive. 
If I could, I'd wait outside, watching springtime breathe everything back to life. 
We don't have to talk politics, and I've seen conflicting values break friendships. 
We don't have to talk at all; just sit here with me in the quiet. 
If you'd like to play some tunes, you can throw on the playlist we made for me and you. 
Oh how I love comfortable silence, and how I miss lakeside sunset views for two. 


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This Is No Fable
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was relaxing in my sunroom, one very peaceful afternoon,
Enjoying the fables of Aesop, and all the flowers abloom.

The view from the many windows, was gold sunshiny delight,
With blossoms and rich greenery, and many birds in flight.

Every now and then I chuckled, at comical characters I met,
And the morals that they learned, and would not soon forget.

I whiled away the afternoon, becoming lost in a daydream,


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by baby panda

trigger warning: this poem discusses what may be considered religious issues. these opinions are the writer's own opinions. read at your own discretion.

creatures of the earth
creatures of the sky
creatures from the down under
of humanity’s sty

must we be beautiful
to be worth something?
must we be worth something


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The Rejected Baby
by Randy Johnson

It was my moral duty to operate and in many people's eyes, I was admired.
I did what needed to be done and because of that, I was fired.
Four years ago, a baby was born with Down Syndrome and he had a heart defect.
Because of his mental impairment, he was a baby who his parents chose to reject.
I told the parents that without an operation, their baby would die.
They told me not to operate and sadly, I understood the reason why.
They wanted him to die because of his Down Syndrome and some others and I protested.
The parents were taken to court but the judge agreed with what the parents requested.
Even though that damn judge upheld the parents decision, I operated anyway.
I saved that baby's life but my superiors were outraged and decided to make me pay.


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Life & People
by Saleh Ben Saleh

We live our lives in search of happiness but many times we do tend to stray, nothing in life is everlasting happy moods do fail to stay.

Burdens of life people shall carry in dark moments or brighter day,
accept what life has to offer,
in black or white or even grey.

Sometimes with good intentions your closest friends become your prey,
and sometimes floating rumours will make your heart in doubt sway.

People from whom you have kept distant, in time of need your debit may pay,


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Recent Morals Poems
94. As Thyself
by Kea Campbell

As Thyself
The grass is getting greener, incomparable on either side. 
Observe—they're different shades, nonetheless a beautiful palette to the naked eye. 
Trees, still leafless, and allergy season has yet to arrive. 
If I could, I'd wait outside, watching springtime breathe everything back to life. 
We don't have to talk politics, and I've seen conflicting values break friendships. 
We don't have to talk at all; just sit here with me in the quiet. 
If you'd like to play some tunes, you can throw on the playlist we made for me and you. 
Oh how I love comfortable silence, and how I miss lakeside sunset views for two. 


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Life & People
by Saleh Ben Saleh

We live our lives in search of happiness but many times we do tend to stray, nothing in life is everlasting happy moods do fail to stay.

Burdens of life people shall carry in dark moments or brighter day,
accept what life has to offer,
in black or white or even grey.

Sometimes with good intentions your closest friends become your prey,
and sometimes floating rumours will make your heart in doubt sway.

People from whom you have kept distant, in time of need your debit may pay,


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by baby panda

trigger warning: this poem discusses what may be considered religious issues. these opinions are the writer's own opinions. read at your own discretion.

creatures of the earth
creatures of the sky
creatures from the down under
of humanity’s sty

must we be beautiful
to be worth something?
must we be worth something


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This Is No Fable
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was relaxing in my sunroom, one very peaceful afternoon,
Enjoying the fables of Aesop, and all the flowers abloom.

The view from the many windows, was gold sunshiny delight,
With blossoms and rich greenery, and many birds in flight.

Every now and then I chuckled, at comical characters I met,
And the morals that they learned, and would not soon forget.

I whiled away the afternoon, becoming lost in a daydream,


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The Rejected Baby
by Randy Johnson

It was my moral duty to operate and in many people's eyes, I was admired.
I did what needed to be done and because of that, I was fired.
Four years ago, a baby was born with Down Syndrome and he had a heart defect.
Because of his mental impairment, he was a baby who his parents chose to reject.
I told the parents that without an operation, their baby would die.
They told me not to operate and sadly, I understood the reason why.
They wanted him to die because of his Down Syndrome and some others and I protested.
The parents were taken to court but the judge agreed with what the parents requested.
Even though that damn judge upheld the parents decision, I operated anyway.
I saved that baby's life but my superiors were outraged and decided to make me pay.


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