Moody Poems

Popular Moody Poems
They Call It Depression
by Ganiu Talabi

I can’t get it into my head
That I need to get out of bed
I can’t shake this feeling of gloom
As I lay in darkness in my bedroom
Unable to draw the curtains to let in a sunray
Or a shimmer of light to brighten my day.
Having a shower seems like hard labour
I can’t even do a single house chore.
All my get-up-and-go is no longer there
And my self-esteem has vanished into thin air


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Postnatal Depression
by Ganiu Talabi

Postnatal depression is real
And this is how I feel
Sad, lonely, depressed, withdrawn,
No enjoyment and emotionally worn
I have no bond with my baby, none at all,
My emotions bounce about like a ping-pong ball.
My maternal instincts are very fleeting
A now-you-see-it, now-you-don’t type of thing.
But surprisingly the pregnancy gave me joy
More so when the sonographer said “It’s a boy!”


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The Moody Sky
by Somali Mukherjee

The sky cries at times;
He emits fire, when needed;
Angry with a heart...

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Recent Moody Poems
The Moody Sky
by Somali Mukherjee

The sky cries at times;
He emits fire, when needed;
Angry with a heart...

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They Call It Depression
by Ganiu Talabi

I can’t get it into my head
That I need to get out of bed
I can’t shake this feeling of gloom
As I lay in darkness in my bedroom
Unable to draw the curtains to let in a sunray
Or a shimmer of light to brighten my day.
Having a shower seems like hard labour
I can’t even do a single house chore.
All my get-up-and-go is no longer there
And my self-esteem has vanished into thin air


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Postnatal Depression
by Ganiu Talabi

Postnatal depression is real
And this is how I feel
Sad, lonely, depressed, withdrawn,
No enjoyment and emotionally worn
I have no bond with my baby, none at all,
My emotions bounce about like a ping-pong ball.
My maternal instincts are very fleeting
A now-you-see-it, now-you-don’t type of thing.
But surprisingly the pregnancy gave me joy
More so when the sonographer said “It’s a boy!”


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