Moksha Poems

Popular Moksha Poems
From Yoga to Moksha
by AiR - Atman in Ravi

Are you in search of Happiness?
Do you want that state of Eternal Bliss? Then, begin the Journey from Yoga to Moksha
And you are sure to achieve this!

Who am I and why am I here?
Have you pondered this, are you clear?
We just live and cry and die
We don't discover the Truth, we don't live with cheer!

We listen to many, the right path we don't choose


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Recent Moksha Poems
From Yoga to Moksha
by AiR - Atman in Ravi

Are you in search of Happiness?
Do you want that state of Eternal Bliss? Then, begin the Journey from Yoga to Moksha
And you are sure to achieve this!

Who am I and why am I here?
Have you pondered this, are you clear?
We just live and cry and die
We don't discover the Truth, we don't live with cheer!

We listen to many, the right path we don't choose


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