Miracles Poems

Popular Miracles Poems
One Hair
by Jeff Bresee

I thought to change one hair tonight
from white to black, atop my head.
It seemed a try would be alright
while lying here upon my bed.

I called out to the powers that be
in all their forms amidst the sky,
but nothing changed at all for me
though I had given my best try.


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Thanks for Giving
by Evelyn Judy Buehler


h a p p e n




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A Foundation of Miracles
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

lushness of seasons
come with motions of the sun
down time's corridors

bees hum and birds sing
among vivid teeming life
petals on the breeze

sunrise sunset days
all based on quantum magic


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Recent Miracles Poems
One Hair
by Jeff Bresee

I thought to change one hair tonight
from white to black, atop my head.
It seemed a try would be alright
while lying here upon my bed.

I called out to the powers that be
in all their forms amidst the sky,
but nothing changed at all for me
though I had given my best try.


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Thanks for Giving
by Evelyn Judy Buehler


h a p p e n




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A Foundation of Miracles
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

lushness of seasons
come with motions of the sun
down time's corridors

bees hum and birds sing
among vivid teeming life
petals on the breeze

sunrise sunset days
all based on quantum magic


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