What happened on this late date,
None could possibly anticipate.
For averted tragedy-exhilarate!
Cheated was cruel hands of fate.
Daisies thrive in sunlit zones,
And with Him, failure is unknown.
Of seasons that've lately flown,
Never the sun more golden shone.
The miracle of miracles is this:
You can and you will
Conquer your enemies
Sooner than the soonest.
But you who have been
Your own true enemy
Will take thousands and thousands of years
To achieve the perfection needed.
Only two miracles are worth seeing:
The miracle of loving
The miracle of forgiving.
The whole world is looking for miracles.
Every day it is dying to see miracles.
But can there be any miracle
More challenging, more illumining
And more fulfilling
Than to see and feel the infinite Beauty
Of my Beloved Supreme
Inside this tinier than the tiniest
Gratitude-heart of mine?
In the pewless church of San Juan Chula,
a Neocatholic Tzozil Indian
wrings a chicken's neck. Through piñoned air,
stars from tourist flashbulbs flame, reflecting
in the reddened eyes, in the mirrors
statuary cling to, inside their plate-
glass boxes. A mother fills a shot-
glass with fire. Others offer up moon-
What happened on this late date,
None could possibly anticipate.
For averted tragedy-exhilarate!
Cheated was cruel hands of fate.
Daisies thrive in sunlit zones,
And with Him, failure is unknown.
Of seasons that've lately flown,
Never the sun more golden shone.
I think people say
"Oh My God"
during sex,
not because it feels good,
but because it feels
Jesus wound up with his body nailed to a tree—
a torment he practically begged for,
or at least did nothing to stop. Pilate
watched the crowd go thumbs down
and weary, signed the order.
So centurions laid Jesus flat
on a long beam, arms run along the crosspiece.
In each palm a long spike was centered,
The whole world is looking for miracles.
Every day it is dying to see miracles.
But can there be any miracle
More challenging, more illumining
And more fulfilling
Than to see and feel the infinite Beauty
Of my Beloved Supreme
Inside this tinier than the tiniest
Gratitude-heart of mine?
The miracle of miracles is this:
You can and you will
Conquer your enemies
Sooner than the soonest.
But you who have been
Your own true enemy
Will take thousands and thousands of years
To achieve the perfection needed.