Methodist girls high school port harcourt Poems

Popular Methodist girls high school port harcourt Poems
Quest for Ravenous Crutches
by Graham Ereks

In hunger's grasp, I hobble and strain,
Like crutches, my stomach in pain.
Wheelchair dreams, where food does reign.

Through the fridge I lurch and swoop,
Craving snacks like a ravenous troop.
Wheelchair spins, in fridge I stoop.

Cupboards bare, I shuffle and creep,
Crutches clatter, in corners I peep.


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Ode to My Beloved Students
by Graham Ereks

In the resplendent halls of Methodist Girls' High, celestial stars are found,
Favour Okpe, my JSS 1 school daughter, shining as the radiant sun, profound.
Edimenere, with her relentless academic prowess, a luminous beacon of light,
Angel Lekiah, a resplendent superstar, a mirror of my childhood's delight.

Gift Eberechukwu in JSS 2, a stunning brainiac of supreme intellect,
Alongside Boma, whose brilliance ascends to the heavens, a paragon of respect.
With seventeen more, each one cherished and stupendous, a joy divine,
Their presence fills my heart with narratives sublime.


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Recent Methodist girls high school port harcourt Poems
Ode to My Beloved Students
by Graham Ereks

In the resplendent halls of Methodist Girls' High, celestial stars are found,
Favour Okpe, my JSS 1 school daughter, shining as the radiant sun, profound.
Edimenere, with her relentless academic prowess, a luminous beacon of light,
Angel Lekiah, a resplendent superstar, a mirror of my childhood's delight.

Gift Eberechukwu in JSS 2, a stunning brainiac of supreme intellect,
Alongside Boma, whose brilliance ascends to the heavens, a paragon of respect.
With seventeen more, each one cherished and stupendous, a joy divine,
Their presence fills my heart with narratives sublime.


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Quest for Ravenous Crutches
by Graham Ereks

In hunger's grasp, I hobble and strain,
Like crutches, my stomach in pain.
Wheelchair dreams, where food does reign.

Through the fridge I lurch and swoop,
Craving snacks like a ravenous troop.
Wheelchair spins, in fridge I stoop.

Cupboards bare, I shuffle and creep,
Crutches clatter, in corners I peep.


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