Media Poems

Popular Media Poems
Sticks and Stones
by Richard Randolph

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
but it’s words that really hurt you.
Language that systematically undermines
one’s culture, race, religion, or sexual orientation
slowly dehumanizes and degrades
until hate and violence become acceptable,
normalized, even inevitable.


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My Excuse
by H.L. Montague

My Excuse

I scroll on to the next post on Instagram, the ten hundredth time that day,
I don't know what I'm looking for but I'm sure this isn’t the way
To find it.
I’m itching to get up, to run, to lie in a bed of wilting, overwatered green grass.
But I sit in my bed still, scrolling through Instagram.
I know I should do homework, I should get it done so that
I can write.
But homework won’t give me what I’m looking for.


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Sunday Paper
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Sunday rises gallantly from behind
Distant clouds, orange, on the wall
Of low, chintzy, tepid skies.

Bells sound with tamed decibels
Through tiny holes on top cupolas of
Rounded, gilded cathedrals to welcome

A yellow day that reclines on the edge
Of the week. Sunday salutes the spunk


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A Middle Course
by Ian McCleary

It always seems there are too many issues to pick from when we come in contact with the media. The problem arises, that of knowing which issue to track at all hours of the day?
I don't know, with everything that is happening, I wonder if Government has reached it's conclusion, that it is no longer the effective instrument it once was proven to be.
Just as there are still many people who feel passionately about politics, there are also many who have become indifferent to it and for obvious reasons. A majority of people do not feel that government effects their daily lives in any noticeable way. They go about their lives as if the government doesn't exist at all. I think that there is merit to having this type of attitude, even though it can have an effect on the type of Democracy we have. Let it settle itself, is a good saying for this kind of outlook.
When politics is turned into an existential struggle for life, then after awhile it loses the effect it is looking to have. People grow tired of it because nothing ever seems to get better it always seems to get worse. It breeds extreme pessimism on the one hand and false hope on the other.
If new parties are created that are more moderate politically on the spectrum and more centrist, then perhaps maybe more people will participate in future Democracy. No Labels is an example of this, which will be on the 2024 Presidential Ticket. Republicans need to be more open to liberal ideas and Democrats need to be more open to conservative ideas on government. They would then represent more of what the people want because most people are generally more heterogeneous in their thoughts/beliefs, than what you generally see by the media.

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Twitter's Aflutter
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

Twitter's aflutter with Trump's missing tweets,
The window the measure of how his heart beats,
Half of the tweeters relieved beyond words,
The other half chirping like a flock of lost birds.

On one hand the world has lost a pastime
On the other the message is clearly sublime,
Words matter they echo, incite and inflame,
If used to promote ideas clearly lame.


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Recent Media Poems
Sunday Paper
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Sunday rises gallantly from behind
Distant clouds, orange, on the wall
Of low, chintzy, tepid skies.

Bells sound with tamed decibels
Through tiny holes on top cupolas of
Rounded, gilded cathedrals to welcome

A yellow day that reclines on the edge
Of the week. Sunday salutes the spunk


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A Middle Course
by Ian McCleary

It always seems there are too many issues to pick from when we come in contact with the media. The problem arises, that of knowing which issue to track at all hours of the day?
I don't know, with everything that is happening, I wonder if Government has reached it's conclusion, that it is no longer the effective instrument it once was proven to be.
Just as there are still many people who feel passionately about politics, there are also many who have become indifferent to it and for obvious reasons. A majority of people do not feel that government effects their daily lives in any noticeable way. They go about their lives as if the government doesn't exist at all. I think that there is merit to having this type of attitude, even though it can have an effect on the type of Democracy we have. Let it settle itself, is a good saying for this kind of outlook.
When politics is turned into an existential struggle for life, then after awhile it loses the effect it is looking to have. People grow tired of it because nothing ever seems to get better it always seems to get worse. It breeds extreme pessimism on the one hand and false hope on the other.
If new parties are created that are more moderate politically on the spectrum and more centrist, then perhaps maybe more people will participate in future Democracy. No Labels is an example of this, which will be on the 2024 Presidential Ticket. Republicans need to be more open to liberal ideas and Democrats need to be more open to conservative ideas on government. They would then represent more of what the people want because most people are generally more heterogeneous in their thoughts/beliefs, than what you generally see by the media.

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My Excuse
by H.L. Montague

My Excuse

I scroll on to the next post on Instagram, the ten hundredth time that day,
I don't know what I'm looking for but I'm sure this isn’t the way
To find it.
I’m itching to get up, to run, to lie in a bed of wilting, overwatered green grass.
But I sit in my bed still, scrolling through Instagram.
I know I should do homework, I should get it done so that
I can write.
But homework won’t give me what I’m looking for.


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Sticks and Stones
by Richard Randolph

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
but it’s words that really hurt you.
Language that systematically undermines
one’s culture, race, religion, or sexual orientation
slowly dehumanizes and degrades
until hate and violence become acceptable,
normalized, even inevitable.


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Twitter's Aflutter
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

Twitter's aflutter with Trump's missing tweets,
The window the measure of how his heart beats,
Half of the tweeters relieved beyond words,
The other half chirping like a flock of lost birds.

On one hand the world has lost a pastime
On the other the message is clearly sublime,
Words matter they echo, incite and inflame,
If used to promote ideas clearly lame.


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