Still astonished by the deceit for vanities
And surprised by the frivolities of assumed fortunes
Fortunes at the price of integrity and the cost of lives
Those who wants it all, may have all but in a twinkle, lose all
For us, we remain forlorn hitherto humble!
With notes of deceit, they bought things and time
Armed with their pernicious game without Your plans
Fervently painting with lacklustre hues, a pseudo picture of an assumed future
Yet with a sordid gloom, they expect a candescent glow
My work is my mating call
Perfection lays on mere Understanding,
comprehension, do you know?
Out of all, above
Truth is essence
Freedom is the Anthem.
I crave to meet thee once, my master
My mind is intolerant at thy absence
When, in none, I find my home
And death is about to come in a trench
Nor I live, nor happinesses come.
Thou, know more about how I shed tear.
Undrenched by thy care when I hope,
All, day in and day out, seem to go
Beyond my grasp; so, everything is but nope
I crave to meet thee once, my master
My mind is intolerant at thy absence
When, in none, I find my home
And death is about to come in a trench
Nor I live, nor happinesses come.
Thou, know more about how I shed tear.
Undrenched by thy care when I hope,
All, day in and day out, seem to go
Beyond my grasp; so, everything is but nope
My work is my mating call
Perfection lays on mere Understanding,
comprehension, do you know?
Out of all, above
Truth is essence
Freedom is the Anthem.
Still astonished by the deceit for vanities
And surprised by the frivolities of assumed fortunes
Fortunes at the price of integrity and the cost of lives
Those who wants it all, may have all but in a twinkle, lose all
For us, we remain forlorn hitherto humble!
With notes of deceit, they bought things and time
Armed with their pernicious game without Your plans
Fervently painting with lacklustre hues, a pseudo picture of an assumed future
Yet with a sordid gloom, they expect a candescent glow