Love wisdom friendship Poems

Popular Love wisdom friendship Poems
Fatel Razack 1845
by sookdeo manansingh

Across the atlantic to the sugar estate
a new recruit tra vels to see what mystery await
to replace the rrotcropds of Afica with the new spice
the voyage to a new world they brought some rice

through strong winds and heavy rain they continue all night
to play the music of their culture and look for the light
an unforgettable journey that will print in the mind
one in search of treasure leaving all comfort behind


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Recent Love wisdom friendship Poems
Fatel Razack 1845
by sookdeo manansingh

Across the atlantic to the sugar estate
a new recruit tra vels to see what mystery await
to replace the rrotcropds of Afica with the new spice
the voyage to a new world they brought some rice

through strong winds and heavy rain they continue all night
to play the music of their culture and look for the light
an unforgettable journey that will print in the mind
one in search of treasure leaving all comfort behind


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